Whatever darkness you still experience
in certain (groups of) people is,
at its deepest level,
no longer darkness,
but extreme wounding
and deep programming,
applied in the past by darkness,
mostly through other people.

There has been
a process of inner healing
in recent years,
from the power of
each person's own soul.
That process is expected to continue
for some more years,
until everyone is completely healed.

Does this sound like utopia?
Can't believe it yet?
That's no problem at all,
we all need something to dream about!
So dream about it,
wonder what it would be like
if this were true....

For ourselves,
it is no longer a dream, but reality.
We have gone through this process
very deliberately,
and are already very much healed.
That feels like
'being a different person',
more so.....
for the first time in our lives
we are ALIVE and LIVING!

For myself (Cheryl),
this expresses itself in writing books,
novels that
on the one hand are pure fantasy,
on the other hand show a lot
of the process of inner healing
and its results.
You can read more about that
on my author website:


for people speaking Dutch:



You can find a lot about
inner (emotional) healing
on the website you are now.
This website is not meant
to be a textbook,
but more like a grab bag in which
you regularly grab something,
and when you feel
you have had enough for a while,
you let go of the site
and possibly take some time
to let it sink in.
You can always come back later
for more!


A tip I got from someone:
Put the link of the website(s)
on your home screen
then you can use them
whenever you feel like it
or feel the need...

There is a global inner healing going on

a healing from within
a healing of the soul
a healing of emotions


we can start living from within
we can become who we are
the world becomes a better place

This means for each of us...

living from your heart
living from your soul
living from who you are
not from what you became through your life

finding yourself
finding your purpose in life
finding your soulmate(s)
finding your other half

bringing light to the world
bringing healing to the world
healing because of who you are
healing through what you do

start your journey today 
follow your heart 
follow your inner voice 
choose for the devine in you 
say yes to yourself and become who you really are!