
The healing power
of our soul...

Your soul
the source of
power to heal you
light to show you your way

This is your soul at work
letting you know...
with words
with pictures
with dreams
with feelings
by intuition

— P. Van Doorn (@PVanDoorn4) January 25, 2023
Let go of all ideas and images in your mind, they come and go and aren’t even generated by you. So why pay so much attention to your imagination when reality is for the realizing right now?
~Adyashanti~ pic.twitter.com/Th8obUetBt

A healed soul
sents all his power and light
to the world
to heal, to empower

As a result of your deep process
of emotional healing
you become who you are in your soul
and you don't need to
you don't want to
play games anymore
you want to be real!

— The wall is coming down by Cheryl & William (@Followy39867244) October 8, 2022
Your soul is creative
Yes, even your soul!
All souls are creative
and the more they get free
the more they heal emotionally
the more all sort of creativity will come out!
More heart-quotes, soul-quotes:https://t.co/gA2tnjuuCJ
. pic.twitter.com/4b5OQaDedj

So actually...
You yourself are the treasure!

Your own soul
has the power and the light
to heal you
to bring you to yourself
to who you really are

You soul knows
whatever you need to know

We are not meant
to live in a box
at all!

Well yeah!
Everything you need,
is inside you
in your soul...

Only your inner voice
Or someone who listens very well
to his own inner voice
can help you find yourself, your way

Oh yeah...
your soul tells you something
you think:
okay, that's not logical!
That's it!
We are not meant to be logical
We are meant
to follow our inner voice
our intuïtion!

Your soul knows everything
everything you need to know
and when I say everything
I mean... everything!
Pure wisdom!

Yeah! This is how it feels
when I wonder myself
when I ask myself...
Then the answer
is most times already there
Our soul knows...

Your soul knows everything you need to know
for a fullfilled life
and when I say everything
I just mean EVERYTHING!

Your soul is light
full of light in itself
but is darkened
because of all
that has happened to you
Emotional wounds are like
a layer of shit
laid around your soul
That's what came out in your life
in what you said and did
that shit
but that's not who you are!

Who you are
lies as a foundation
in your soul

By parenthood
by education and so on...
you have learned to adapt
and so you have become a copy
of many different people
Through emotional healing
from the power of your soul
you become who YOU are

Stay wild
That means:
Become and stay who you are
pure inside
in the depths of your soul

So listen to your soul
your inner voice
Feel your soul
your intuition

The holy grail or whatever other power
is not in a god or religion
or in whatever else
It's in you, in your soul!

Question everything
discuss everything with yourself
yes, with yourself!
you will find all answers you need
for your soul knows the answers you need!

The power of your soul!

We vinden onze kracht in onszelf
in onze ziel
en daarmee komt alles tot leven

Becoming authentic
Becoming who you already are
deep inside

Listen to your inner voice,
to the deep feeling inside

So true, but...
someday we will find others
others with whom we really connect
So this is just
a matter of time
a matter of healing

Inspirated by
the Georgia guidestones

It is better to be rejected
because you are honest,
than to be accepted
because you are a hypocrite

Censored by whoever...
politicians, media, family, friends
Censored for whatever reason...
mostly because you think yourself
specially when you follow your heart,
your inner voice

Education by living together

Imposed love
Imposed love
Is no different from
pushing through your will
Love comes from the depths of your soul
and looks very different
than that which we usually call love

Take that step
Out of the shit
Out of the mass
Become who YOU are!

The best a 'free thinker' can do,
is live
live his/her life to the fullest

Who listens to himself
to his inner voice
from the inside out
Who lives from the inside out
feels like a stranger in the herd
but is
in fact
fundamentally normal!

"What the herd hates the most
is the one who thinks differently.
It is not so much the opinion itself,
as the audacity of wanting
to think for themselves.
Something they do not know how to do."

Mr Bean has always seen
through every illusion!
He is strong in what he does
because he follows his heart

Time for yourself
to do what you really love to do
Me, for example:
reading a book by Nora Roberts
and enjoying a lot of peppermints
This was months ago
The reading of all of Nora's books is still there
but the peppermints are gone
they were part of inner healing

Beautiful, but...
NOT possible
by just giving up
by just decide something by words
(powertalk, prayer, and so on)
Only possible
By innerhealing
By listening to your own inner voice
By feeling what you really feel

The picture:
Freedom can be
articulated, imagined, twisted
but where do you stay
if you can't experience it
Freedom is more than a word
freedom is
to be completely yourself
to follow your heart
in everything!
Get in the habit of listening
to your inner voice
and feeling what you really feel
your gut, your intuition
Follow your heart!

The time is coming
when you realize
that you only want
sincere people
and real relationship
and that the rest
doesn't matter anymore
to you

Another way of thinking...

Like this
when you find your inner self
your real live starts!

Age doesn't mean anything
Age tells us nothing
about ourselves or others
Just find your soul
Just find your inner self
That's the only thing that matters

People have tricked us
from an early age
by claiming we are
mortal and powerless
The leaders of that Matrix
are beginning to lose power
we are beginning to rediscover ourselves
Know who you are
Listen to your inner voice!
And take yourself seriously!

to take this serious
It's a pity
when I would translate the words in the picture
it wouldn't make much sense as in Dutch
while the words are made of de names of the days
but I'll give it a try!
Calm down day
Dance day
Wish day
Miracle day
Us day
Cheer day
Sense day

not something you get from your parents
not from religion
not from teachers
but only from your soul
Your inner voice
Your intuition
Follow that!
That's the real thing
That knows the truth, your truth
is salvaged in your soul
and is hidden in your soul
hidden by emotional wounds and convictions...
That's why you need to get healed emotionally
Listen to the voice of your soul
your inner voice
Feel what you really feel

Even more dangerous
is the person
who listens to his innervoice...
for your soul knows the truth!
By the way...
listening to your innervoice
is part of your innerhealing
and that's not dangerous at all!

It's even impossible!

Obedience seems good
but is only good
if that obedience is about
following your inner voice!
make it a habit
of listening to the voice of your soul
and follow it!
The picture:
the most terrible things
- wars, genocide and slavery -
did not result from disobedience
but from obedience

This has to be a way of life
for a teacher
for parents
for everyone


I agree!
And this is why:
I only need to do what
my soul asks me to do
That's the best for me
That's the best for the world around me!
That's my life
and it's the best I can give to the world!

Real eyes
the eyes of your soul

In fact...
Empathy is
seeing with your soul
listening with your soul
feeling with your soul .
what is written in the picture is beautiful,
but SOUL-life goes even deeper than that!

but it's even stronger,
it goes deeper!
Blood makes you related
SOUL-CONNECTION makes you family

to think about...
to wonder...
to ask yourself...

How to be free?
By listening
to your inner voice

Make it a habit
to listen to your soul
to your inner voice
and to feel what you really feel
Your soul knows what you need
and what you really want

it's not about 'unlearning'
it's about healing
inner healing
the more you heal
the more you will know your truth
and the more you will know yourself

As soon as you were born
you were placed in a matrix
where other people would convince you
of THEIR truth
for YOUR life
so you shouldn't find out
who you are...

When you, as a child
(as that girl running out)
followed your inner voice
the voice of your soul

I've been stabbed in the back
by people I needed the most
I've been lied to by people I loved
And I've felt alone
at times I could hardly handle
I've learned to be
my own best friend
Because there are days
when you can't count
on anyone else but yourself

Gaaf kind = cool kid
What is a cool kid?
That's a child that is totally itself
Pippi Longstocking,
in Dutch Pippi Langkous,
is totally crazy!
At least she was more normal
than the most of us
She was herself
she was she
with all of her crazy stuff
where her friends were bounded by shackles...

Listen to your soul
Feel wat you really really really feel
The more you heal
the clearer your innervoice is
and the better you can feel yourself


Voices in your head...
Everyone has them,
really, everyone
The more emotionally wounded you are
the more voices you hear
and the more violent they sound
Learn to listen to your inner voice
to feel what you really feel
That gives emotional, psychical healing!

The focus has always been on our health,
our physical health
But underneath that lies our foundation:
our emotional health
Go through your pain, your fear and so on
Learn to listen to your inner voice
And learn to feel what you really feel
And take that seriously
Act on it

A child,
not treated well,
will not stop loving its parents;
the child will stop loving itself
one of our very many wounds...

“I will only show you the truth.
You have to understand,
most of the people are not ready to be unplugged.
And many of them are so injured,
so hopelessly dependent on the system,
that they will fight to protect it.”

From the movie
"The Matrix"

"Everything I've done, all my life,
I have done to gain their approval"
"Until you finally did something for yourself."
(from "Second nature" by Nora Roberts)

When people seek real change,
everything about them begins to change
From their food, to beliefs, music they listen to,
their recreational activities,
and yes even their friends and family

Convictions and believesystems,
emotional wounds...
Just go through it
Feel what your wounded soul feels
By going through,
by listening to your soul, your heart,
Your own soul is your healer!

One of our biggest injuries is
that we don't know who we are

We are not
who they told us
who we are

Why is it so difficult to find yourself?

To find yourself
is questioning everything in yourself
and try to feel and hear
the answer from your soul

One of our biggest injuries is
not remembering our past lives
on earth and in other dimensions

It's not only the emotional pain of THIS life
you have to heal from
but also the emotional pain from your past lives

Your memories from your past lives
lie under your emotional wounds
under the convictions and beliefsystems of this world

We are light beings
in a physical body

We have to bring our light
from who we are
in this world to heal others

Find your "superpower"
that what connects
with your soul
and bring this light to this world

Maybe you found him/her,
your soulmate
If not...
There is a soulmate in the world
who you really connect with
who really connects with you
This is the one you have always known
This is the one you have always loved

In this world there is a groep of soulmates you really connect to
Your "tribe"...
A group you feel at home with
people you really connect with
A group you have always known

More and more people who recognize eachother
people from the same "tribe"
will come together
they experience soulconnection
they know eachother from other dimensions before earth
they know eachother from past lives
Find your group, your "tribe"!

We are meant to live in Soulgroups
in "tribes"
Beings who really connect with each other
not connected by something else
not by something false
not by some rule
not by some conviction
only by soulconnection!

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