February 2022
17. Overweight and underweight
It has amazed me for years how some people are already gaining weight from the air they breath, so to speak (as it seemed to me) and others can eat themselves full and remain too light
How is that possible?
Apparently the proverb "every pound goes through the mouth" is a huge deception!
It is clearly not just a physical problem purely, there is more to it
Another misleading comment is this: Those "fat guys" are emo-eaters, they stuff themselves when they feel emotionally rotten
That in itself is recognizable, but even then it remains a mystery to me, why a lot of those people who are emo-eaters, are not "fat people", but rather "thin ones"
And... diets don't help
I have tried everything, experienced with almost every diet
The one that seemed to help me best for a while was recently dismantled: the low-carb diet is a thing of the past, has found not being effective
What diet to follow?
As far as I'm concerned they can all go out!
Diets go against the deeper desires of a person
A diet, the dietitian or someone on the Internet prohibits products or quantities
Someone else determines an important part of your life...
Result: you get more and more entangled, trapped
And because of that more and more emotionally wounded
And so... the circle is round, in the form of a downward spiral...
More and more people say that they have "woke up"
It has everything to do with a process of innerhealing
We go through pain, through sadness, through fear, and from within we heal in that process
It's just too much to explain now, you can found more information on this page of our website: Healing blog
Because I am going through a deep process of emotional healing (a process of inner healing, from within) for a few years now, the number on the scale is also discussed very often
Obesity is one of my major emotional wounds, and most importantly...that's what I learned in this process... it's the result of my emotional wounds
While in the beginning I thought that I had gained weight because I was an emo-eater (but in the meantime wondered why other emo-eaters were too thin), I started to see clearer what the effects of my emotional wounds had been on my body
As emotional wounds healed, some of the physical effects of those wounds began to heal too. My balance has improved, my absurd fatigue is gone
More about this in other sub-pages of my Personal Healing Blog on this website
Meanwhile, I kept wondering how my size would go
When I am completely emotionally healed, should I start dieting again, or would I eventually lose weight "automatically"?
I came to two points, which are truths to me right now (truths are never absolute, they grow with you):
1. emotional healing will reduce the urge to eat (I already notice that, except at times when I go through a process point again, and therefore experience considerable stress)
2. through emotional healing my body will heal more and more, even in the area of being overweight. My body will react differently, no longer accumulate fat
To be honest, I expect it to be mainly about the second point, but that the first point will just coexist, as something that (really) doesn't have to do with being overweight or underweight
You are probably now wondering if I have lost weight yet?
Well, at the beginning of the process of innerhealing, we ate a lot of food I seldom eat before, and also way to much. In that period I gained about 15 kilos
Inner healing also causes stress, and that was particularly intense in the first months
I lost some of those kilos again, without doing anything special for it

The remaining tens of kilos still don't want to go away, despite the fact that I have become much less compulsive in eating, and therefore eat much less than in the past
But my process isn't finished yet
Emotional wounding is so much deeper than I ever thought
And it's my impression, that right now it is mainly about emotional wounds that, like by everyone else, is caused by being stuck in an incredible number of convictions
Also about this I write more in my Personal Healing Blog
Well, the two impressions I mentioned before, have come to the fore over the past few months
In the meantime, I'll have to wait and see how that will work in practice
The impressions were and are my personal truths, and it has been a struggle of months to let go of the overriding scientific facts in this
When will I find out whether that what is truth to me now, will remain my truth?
A crazy question, maybe, but I've found out that the impressions (truths) I've been getting about all kinds of situations over the past few years could be temporary truths, truths I needed at that point of healing to break free from the lies I had believed
Also regarding my overweight and everything related to it, I had and have to break free from the lies I had believed always
Lies about guilt (every pound goes through the mouth, for example), about diets, about more exercise and much more
To get rid of that, I got impressions that were temporary truths, truths that helped me get rid of something at that moment
One example of this was that weight didn't matter at all, it was only about emotional healing
If I would be emotionally healed, having overweight would no longer be a problem
That was quite a struggle, because I am bothered by overweight, it's also a physical burden, it just gets in the way
I am emotionally healed to the extent now, that I can look in the full-length mirror with reasonable pleasure, that I just see a beautiful person I assure you, that has been different in the past!
And the fact that this has changed is partly the result of that temporary truth
At first I healed emotionally that much, that I could consider myself a beautiful person on the inside, that I became happy with who I was deep down
And now, months later, I can also see myself as a beautiful person outwardly
And of course I've been wondering all along, what would be my truth at the end... Those two points above?
Will I ever lose weight?
If so, how?
How will that work?
Yesterday I listened to an interview between two Dutch man
They talked about politics, but also about:
- "waking up"
- seeing things differently
- a process about going through trauma, something that changes you in such a way that you become happier, happier with yourself, despite the situation in the world
At some point one of the men talked about Germanic medicine, about the effects of stress on your body
He explained the Spanish flu after the First World War as an example
He explained how that worked according to Germanic medicine
what the body is doing during stress (and I have had an extreme stress lifelong)
and how the body reacts when the stress is over
And... He also casually mentioned obesity, severe overweight
and confirmed my current personal truth with his explanation!
Super cool!
still I don't know if this will turn out to be my ultimate personal truth...
It's all in the process!
I'll keep you informed...
To the index: Personal Healing Blog
To the next chapter: 18. My soul knows the way

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