Being (high) sensitive
To all sensitive people
A party?
Celebrate your party with you and yourself
and maybe with someone you have a real soul-connection with
Parties with other people will burn you out....
The wounded soul-parts of emotional wounded people "scream" to your soul
and your own wounded parts will struggle with them
That will burn you out...
To all sensitive people
Do it as less as possible
And when you have to go to the supermarket
make list
go into the supermarket
grab your stuff
and go home!
The wounded soul-parts of emotional wounded people "scream" to your soul
and your own wounded parts will struggle with them
That will burn you out...
To all sensitive people
Do you want to walk?
Go at times you will meet as less as possible people...
The wounded soul-parts of emotional wounded people "scream" to your soul,
and your own wounded parts Will struggle with them.
That will burn you out...
To all sensitive people
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