What does our (wounded) soul look like

This picture
is an impression of your soul
Your soul has about thousand angels
There are angels helping you
and there are angels that are wounded
wounded by this world
or your previous lifes

This wounded angels can't help you,
they give you directions
by the rules of this world
or they give you directions
out of their woundedness
This wounded angels have to heal
and they shall be healed by your soul
Your soul has that power
and your soul is already healing
your wounded angels
That's why it is important
to learn to listen to your innervoice
for else it could be
that you listen to a wounded angel
and you would be misdirected...

Emotional wounds
Your own emotional wounds,
and the wounds
from what people did to you,
even the wounds
inflicted in the name of "love"
by other people...
All these wounds
form a thick layer on your soul
Your soul,
your beautiful soul,
has become a wounded soul
Your soul has to heal
and to heal you have to go
through the pain again
because these wounds are stuck
They are stuck in your soul
stuck in each other
and even stuck in your body...
They are like a web
of thorns and thistles
entwined, hooked
They have to come loose
not by force
not forced
but very carefully
piece by piece
Your soul knows how
You will feel your old fears
you will feel your old pains
but now it is for healing
Everytime you feel the fear, the pain
the wounds will heal a bit
So take good care of yourself
take much "me-time"

Say NO to everything
you actually don't want to do
Protect yourself
from people who hurt you
Protect yourself
from people you don't like
Protect yourself
from unpleasant situations
Situations where you don't feel right
Situations where you don't feel safe
you have to heal!
You don't want
to get triggered by other people
Because getting triggered
by other people
won't heal you
it only cost you a lot of energy
energy that you need to heal
Give yourself time to heal
A lifetime of emotional wounds
is not healed in a day or a week...

The windmills of your mind
— Soul2Soul Cheryl & William (@Soul2So95195029) April 4, 2022
Do you recognize?
Thousands of thoughts in your mind?
Feeling crazy,
But trying to act... CALM! pic.twitter.com/yeXPwdgO2J

Meditation is easy
Just sit down
and observe te voices in your head
the voices in my head are like this...

The voices, screaming in your head
are the voices of your emotional wounds and convictions
Sometimes they whisper, sometimes they scream
The more your wounds heal,
the more those voices will agree with your soul,
and will talk like your own inner voice
originally they were part of your inner voice
and will become that again!
So your inner voice will get stronger day by day!

the wounded parts of your soul
are chattering all along
specially when they are in turn to heal
So... why would you silence te mind?

Your so called shadowparts
are the wounded parts of your soul
They can feel like enemies
but they aren't
they are yours
they just need healing
based on the power and light
of your own soul

Talking to yourself
to your soul
searching your truth
searching your way

For the ones who have difficulty with the lower-case letters of this picture:
I'm a paradox
I want to be happy
but I think of things that make me sad
I'm lazy
yet I'm ambitious
I don't like myself
but I also love who I am
I say I don't care
but I really do
I crave attention
but reject it when it comes my way
I'm a conflicted contradiction
If I can't figure myself out
there's no way anyone else has

Wounded parts of our soul
talking to healthy parts of our soul
The wounded parts will heal
by talking to the healthy ones
we become stronger every day!
And once we will not feel
like a paradox anymore...

Our soul in itself
is unlimited and infinite
But as long as we are
emotional wounded
bounded in convictions
there is a lot of shit upon our soul
That's the ego
the wounded soul
All we need is healing
from the inside out
to let our soul be!
To let our soul be
unlimited and infinite!

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