September 29, 2021
5. My matrix
In my childhood I learned
how to behave
how long to sleep
what and how much to eat
what or who to like or dislike
what or who to disgust
what or who to reject
what or who to condemn
A lot had to do with the convictions of my parents
A lot had to do with our religion, christianity
People were able to convince me, as a child, that what they do is the right, the only way of life
The way they lived HAD TO become my way, for else...
I don't know "what else...", but I know now, that when I had had the courage and a lot more to do and believe what I wanted to do and believe, that I would have had more possibility to become who I am deep within
But that wasn't a question, somehow they already conviced me I had to do it their way
Their general and religous convictions became my matrix
I didn't feel happy or free, but I didn't know that
This way was like normal, this was life, this was childhood
So I was raised Christian
And the rules in the Bible and the church gave me something to hold on to
It felt safe
but also unsafe
what if I did it wrong?
would God be angry?
but the cross... would that work of Jesus not help me through?
Strange to write down now, but I felt attracted to the Bible
First to Jesus, than to Holy Spirit, and at last to the Father
More and more I gave myself to them,
completely surrendered myself to them
and I know for sure, it was my sincere desire to live with them
I remember questions coming up,
as I was a child, but also in the years after
questions without answers
questions about words in the Bible that seem eachothers opposites
or not in line with what church leaders said
when I had no answers, my only answer to myself was:
God knows more than I do, and when He wants to tell me, He will do that at His right moment
The more I surrendered myself to God, personal questions came:
Why do I experience guilt and shame while everything is forgiven?
Why am I still so extremely tired?
Why am I still afraid of other people?
Why doesn't it work like the Bible and the churchleaders tell me?
The general and religious convictions from my parents, teachers, churchleaders
and my own growing matrix-system of general and religious convictions
made it necessary for me to set myself under control
this was good, that was wrong
And... when I did something wrong, I felt guilt and shame
I did everything the Bible and the churchleaders teached me
I confessed my sin
I forgave others what they did to me
I spoke the biblical truths about myself
I worshipped God
I went out to lay hands on people to heal them
I told people the gospel
and so on...
And beside that, I was seeking for ways out my health-problems
therapists, doctors
healthier food
walking, bicycling
For years and years...
Nothing worked out
I was tired, sick, depressed, disappointed
All gladness and joy were gone
Strange enough, everything I did to "heal" (general and religious), had get me even more pinned in the matrix
I felt like living in totall despair...
One day a clear voice asked me to rest
for hours a day
doing really nothing
I knew for sure I had to do it, but it felt strange
I had to do my work, hadn't I?

But a few days later, a lady of a prayergroup told me the same, with exactly the same words
What a confirmation!
And I did it...
I rested for hours, each day
struggling with "I have to do something, don't I?"
But more and more I learned to rest, to do nothing
and started to love it!
And no, there was no instant healing
no overdose of energy
but it was the beginning of my process of innerhealing
In fact... this resting in itself was the starting point
The start of my process was: just doing what came from my soul
Doing what my innervoice had told me: to rest, hours a day
Doing that was my first step OUT of that terrible matrix I had lived in my whole life!
The second step was years later
The man I'm married now, told me how we belonged together and asked me to marry him
It's to much and to personal to describe that story, so I'll just leave it here
The point, the step is:
I was sure from the inside out, that it was true:
we belong together
And now we are married for years...
I know I didn't follow an emotional wound or a conviction
I know I followed the voice of my heart
The soul-click between us is super strong!
For the first time in my life I know what love is
I know what it is to be a beloved woman
It's not difficult to love this guy!!!
The third step was an even bigger step
We promissed ourselves only to live from the inside out
As I told in the chapter "My soulmate", my husband was already used to listen to his heart,
to ask himself all the questions he had
and to wait for the answers
Promissing ourselves to only live from the inside out
was difficult and scary
How can you live outside the matrix of this life, totally outside?
Well, it IS difficult
We sort of started living on an island
We alone, yes, without other people
But we, William and I, were together,
knowing this was our way to heal from the inside out
And step by step, day by day
Wounds started to heal
Convictions started to loosen up and disappear
Even my surrender to Jesus totally disappeared
A friend, who has searched his way through old scriptures,
had discovered things about the Bible that confirmed this
It was great to hear what he had discovered
But in fact I didn't need his confirmation anymore
I had never felt this free!
And now, when my husband and I are confronted with other people
when they ask or say something
we just listen to our innervoice
feel in our soul if it "clicks"
and we just answer or do what our own soul tells us to do (or not to do)
Yes, it was and is a difficult way, but it is so worth it too!
Our soul had been wrapped in that terrible matrix of convictions and beliefsystems
But our soul is free now
WE are free!
The divine voice within us leads us to our personal truth, again and again.
And we have become who we are for the first time in our lives!
For 100% healed now?
No, not yet, but the difference between a few years ago and now...
is amazing!!!
Next time a physical subject: what did innerhealing to my body?
See you!
To the index: Personal Healing Blog
To the next chapter: 6. What did innerhealing do to my body?

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