Being emotional wounded and stuck in convictions

Who are you???
As a child and a teenager
you had to listen and to do
what other people said to you
Actually, in most situations...
You couldn't say what you wanted to say
You couldn't feel what you felt
You couldn't do what you wanted to do

Other people "reigned" your life
and that...
Became a system
of convictions in yourself
Caused all sorts of emotional wounds
that you feel like
fear, pain, anger, frustrations...
And as result...
you DO NOT KNOW who you are!
Partially or even totally
even when you actually don't want to
you live the way
other people told you
expected from you
imposed on you
You think, react and make choices
based on what they have said
what they have taught you
How can you make your own choices?
There is a place within you,
where you can hear yourself,
where you can feel YOU.
That place is... your soul.

There is a tangle of thoughts
in your head
Some thoughts are
from who your really are
But a lot of these thoughts
are from the wounds
and convictions in your soul
How can you discern
what is YOU and what isn't?
When you listen to your thoughts
try to feel at the same time:
Is this really ME???
In this proces...
You will experience
resistance in yourself
You will meet
your wounds and emotions
and so on...
You will experience resistance
from your environment
when you make your own choices
By listening and feeling
going through all that struggle inside...
You will get healed
from your emotional wounds and convictions

Step by step...
You will find yourself
You will become YOU

When you go this way...
You wil live a free life
your own free life
Not dominated by others anymore
Not dominated by your emotional wounds and convictions
You will live from the inside out!
Go this path of emotional healing
Follow your inner voice
the voice of YOUR soul
It is a tough road
but more than worth it!
It is a road to yourself
It is a road to who you really are
We ourselves are going this way
Not an easy way
Not a short way
But we experience
it's really really worth it!!!

Do you remember
what your parents,
other family
and your neighborhood told you?
Do you remember
what they tought you at school?
what the children said and did?
Do you remember
all the rules?
all their opinions?
their convictions?
That was your life,
your childhood...
and that's even worse
that's still your life!
All these information
rules, opinions, convictions
are still in your head
in your system
in your soul
These are a part
of your emotional wounds
Because this locked us up
and didn't help us
to become who we really are...
Maybe you wonder
what we are writing about
Well, we didn't know either,
because we were
sort of used to all of this
But in our proces of innerhealing
we discovered
very simple, basic habits
and attitudes
And we didn't like them at all!
We felt imprisoned
in the smallest situations

Some examples
recognizable for us
maybe for you too (or not):
Other people decided
when and what
we had to eat or drink
They told us when we were
not allowed to go to the toilet

They told us at which hour
we had to go to sleep
They told us how to clean
ourselves, our room, our house
They told us how to do
all sort of things
They told us how to react:
behave yourself!
be quiet!
don't use that words!
be nice!
They told us how to live
They told us what to be
They told us WHO to be
And so on...
Even where they had no clou
who we really are...
Were these things bad?
Well, we don't call them bad, but we ourselves experience them as a sort of prisons
Even while we are adults for years, we lived in that old ways
You see, that's prison...
But since a few years we have got and are getting aware of this attitudes, piece by piece.
And again and again we discover more, that not belongs to us.
The problem of this sort of prisons is
that we don't feel free
It's difficult or even impossible
to live the way that's totally OUR way
We want to encourage you
to think about little and greater
and so on...
Listen to your soul (heart)
and try to feel
what feels right for you
what fits you
Break with what people tought you
Know and feel what's yours
It's not always easy
to hear and feel what's in your soul
what's typically you
Most of us are not used
to listening and feeling in this way
there are a lot of emotional wounds
in your soul
through which it can be difficult
to hear and feel what suits you
No problem
just try again and again
till you are used
to this way of listening and feeling
The wounds will get healed
and listening and feeling
will become easier
till you know:
I know myself now, deep inside
as a special person
and I know my gifts
You too!
You too are X-men, and X-women
You are all special
with special gifts

Emotional wounds???
what do you mean???
Some examples:
Feelings of fear and guilt,
anger and doubt
The voices in your head, telling you
you need to be afraid
you are guilty
you have to be angry
you need to doubt
Voices that say:
"you should do this, because..."
"they expect you to do that..."
"what will happen when you don't..."
"what should they think of you when..."
And because of that voice and feelings
you make your decisions
to escape the possible consequences
and the bad feelings
Where do these thoughts
these voices that misguide you
come from?
In your past (and present)
you have experienced things
people said or did things
in your presence or even to you
and you "learned"
to believe their "truth"
You became dependent
on what people said or did
You got emotionally wounded
you got locked
The voices you hear now
are the things people told you
what they put on you
what they wounded you with
It has no use to fight this voices
with positive thinking
with "truths" or something like that
It just need healing from within

Another example:
"I like it a lot" or "I love it"
can be an emotional wound
That can be the result
of people telling you repeatedly
(in the past and still now)
that you like something
and you started to like it
because people said so
Or you can become
a "lover" of something
because you want
to please someone
and you are somehow thinking
this will help...
A strange one in this
is the receiving of compliments
Compliments are meant
to be positive
but can lead you
on a way of lies about yourself
You get "locked"
in the conviction of others
their conviction becomes yours...
and you forget what you really like
It has no use to just reject this "liking"
It just need healing from within

Everything works together for your good...
(the Bible tells us)
All what you have gone through
god can use that for your good?

people have destroyed you
circumstances have destroyed you
people shaped you, distorted you
so that you didn't become
who you really are
Circumstances shaped you
distorted you
so that you didn't become
who you really are
and you have to heal from that
from the inside out
you are devine
the devine is in your soul
there is no god
who can use your wounds, your pain
fuck the ones who destroyed you
yes, you can be angry at those people
for some time
as long as necessary
(but don't say that to them
that only causes more trouble)
People destroyed you
and god would use that?
choose for yourself to heal from the inside out

Pippi Longstocking, funny crazy child!
Actually she was more normal
than most of us.
She was who she was in herself
with all stupid funny crazy actions
while her friends
were imprisoned by their parents
Notice, that this funny crazy girl
was able to get her friends
out of that prison
was able from her inside out
to set them free
and help them to become more
who they really are!

Intimidation + manipulation = CONTROL
Most people are grown up
in this sort of control
We will get rid of it
We will get free
by emotional healing!

How you got
almost dead...

And all of that is the result
of a life full of
Through healing
you will get able
to step out
to get free!

NIEMAND hoeft het te wagen een ander op te leggen wat hij/zij moet geloven
— Soul2Soul Cheryl & William (@Soul2So95195029) June 25, 2022
Zowel jij als ieder ander heeft het recht ZELF te kiezen wat hij/zij wil geloven, waar hij/zij voor staat en van daaruit keuzes te maken

Deprogramming is started
from our souls
That takes time, but the end will be:

'Who you think you're not'...
That's so true, but that doesn't stand alone
There are emotional wounds
and convictions
that are the foundation of those thinking
We all need inner healing
healing by the power
and the light of our own souls!
And then...
Our thinking
about ourselves
will change!

Religion, beliefsystems
have set us stuck
Emotional healing from within
gives us the possibility
to see our own soul
our soul, full of power and light
we never imagined before
You will get free
from every system!

Let's end indoctrination of children
Help them discover
who they are!

This is what
and control
did to us...

Culture and a lot of other things
have caged us
And that has caused
emotional wounds
Through emotional healing
from your soul
the tentacles of that cage
are loosened
you get healed
and you become free
Free to really live!

Wood Block Puzzle Tetris
The blocks that fit in,
make the lines complete,
and the lines disappear
And so, you yourself disappear

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