When you become more who you are
That's what I feel
when I'm writing
Find out at the website
where you can read
about my books:
The desire to know your own soul
is the deepest desire
Desires that come
from emotional wounds
will fade away when you get healed
When your emotional wounds
are totally healed
you will fullfill
the desires from your own soul
"I have many hidden talents
But yeah, that's just the misery
they are hidden"
Just fun, but also serious!
I have experienced that I have talents
that were hidden
in a bunch of emotional wounds
Now I'm more emotionally healed
they are no longer hidden anymore!
The more you get free
from convictions and believes
The more you get healed emotionally
The more...
The fire of your soul
deep within
is coming out
in power and light
to bring healing
to the people around!
Those 'not ready' people
are like chicken in an egg
Be assured the eggshells
are breaking, bit by bit
at the moment
they are getting more healed
The chicken people will come out
will shake their heads
in bewilderment
and then be glad
they can start to LIVE!
Then they will be able
to make the right choice!
— Soul2Soul Cheryl & William (@Soul2So95195029) July 19, 2022
Let nobody stop you!
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