
So beautiful!
Being the light in the darkness
bringing your light
to other people
strenghten them
with the power of your soul

Healing yourself
with the power and light from your soul
brings your soul the possibility
to radiate more, stronger
power and light
to others,
to support them in their healing

The more you heal within,
the stronger the power of your soul flows,
radiating to the world around you
to help the world become free
and heal people

Basically, originally...
we are all lightworkers
Emotional wounds
have darkened our light
The more we heal emotionally
the more bright we shine!

The work of lightworkers
has nothing to do
with an organisation
or a sort of religion
work from their souls
leaded by their inner voice
to get people free
and help them to heal

Lightworkers are like Lighthouses
they shine where they are
they shine their power and light
to the world
to strenghten the people
in their proces of inner healing
to bring light to their souls
so they can find themselves
and their own ways
One difference:
Lighthouse stand
where they stand
Lightworkers go
where their soul leads them

Beautiful picture of
radiating power and light
from your soul to other people
to support them in their
proces of inner healing!

Pretty good pictures of
a Lightworker
Somebody who radiates
the power and light of his soul
to people around
to help them in their proces
of inner healing

We have to bring our light
from who we are
in this world
to heal others

You as a lightworker
following your soul
following your inner voice
healing people
a sort of invisible
your soul knows what to do
you yourself
don't have to do anything
you only have to go
where you feel being led
your soul will do the work
your soul will radiate
light and strength
to heal people
a bit further emotionally
your soul will radiate
to everyone you meet
everyone around you
just people
your soul will also radiate
a special bit more
to the ones
your soul knows they need it
your soul will know
who to heal
or what to do
when to go
and where to go
you maybe will feel restless
you maybe will be afraid
because you feel
the emotional wounds from others
and maybe the wounds of yourself
sometimes you feel
the special radiation to a person
the radiation with special power
directed power
sometimes you can feel it
like a sharp pain in your body
or an emotional ball in your belly
walk on
follow your inner voice
and know:
you are lighting up the world

The lightworkers in the world
— Soul2Soul (@Soul2So95195029) September 4, 2021
Healing the world

I actually love to call it
For us
it has nothing to do
with a group
an institution
a belief
It's just the healing work
of your own soul!
And we as lightworkers radiate
the power and light of our soul
to you, to help you in your process

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