Being unfamiliar with true love... what is true love?

Something about love...
Love doesn't impose anything on anyone
Love does not compel
Love does the best for the other
Love does no harm
Real love heals

When you are soul connected to someone
there is love
When you are soul connected to someone
there is healing
When there is no soul connection
there is no love
When there is no soul connection
there is no relation
Then... it's a prison, with only
Love always comes from the soul
always comes from within
Search for your soulmate(s)
follow your heart
follow your soul
find healing
and bring healing

You need to be seen...
Can you really hear?
Can you really see?
Are you really heard?
Are you really seen?
There is a huge difference
between listening and hearing
When you are hearing
you are using your ears
When you are listening
you are using your ears and your heart
I can tell you:
You want people to listen to you!
When someone only hears you
most times you can feel that
you don't feel they really listen
And that...
that's just what you need
that people really listen to you
It is the same difference as
being seen with only eyes
or with the heart as well
When someone only sees you
with his/her eyes
it will hurt you
you will feel alone
You need to be seen
to be really seen
from the heart!
When people do not really listen
and when they not really see you
you feel like talking to a wall
you will feel alone
you will feel the pain
of not being connected
not understood
not welcome...
Someone who really sees you
can feel you
can connect to you
and help you just by being with you
Such a person will not
answer with common answers
but will see
what you deeply are in need of
and tell you what you need to hear
These relationships help you
with innerhealing!

I'm the one who really loves you
I'm the one who cares
And you?
Do you feel the difference
in your relations
in your friendships
Who are the ones
who really love you?
Who are the ones
who really care?
Do you feel the difference?
between fake and real love
between fake and real care

Your real family and friends
(from The Divergent Series)
It is not normal...
that people are devided in factions
that the system decides
where you belong
that someone else decides for you
what you have to do
that someone else decides for you
what you should be
that someone else decides for you
how you should behave
It is normal...
when we can live from our souls
when we can be who we are
not controlled by anything else
not controlled by anyone else
not by heartless rulers
not by parents who don't know
who you really are
not by other family members
who control you
not by "friends" who claim you
not by fake relations
not by traditions
not by believe systems
not by teachers
who put their system on you
It is only normal
to live by heart, by soul
That's who we are!
Your real family and friends...
are the people who are able
to sense you by heart and soul
they know what you need
to become you
They are your real family and friends!
You will feel the difference
more and more
between real and unreal...

Coming to your deepest self
to your soul
where real love is,
not the love the world teached us,
can be very scary
but it's worth to find it
to become who you are
and find real love in yourself

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