Inner guidance

Follow your inner voice
your deepest feeling

The desire, when it hits me...
Search for the longing of your soul!

Search for the longing of your soul!
What do you really long for?

So many voices in your head
So many thoughts...
But... what's the truth?
What is YOUR truth?
Listen to your soul
Feel what's right!
Feel what's yours!

You have learned from other people
learned in this life
to know things, to keep them in mind
to live by what you have learned
You made promises
and lived by your promises
And all of this has imprisoned you
All of this has blocked you
to look further than you have learned
to look further than all the opinions, beliefs, convictions
If you want to live
want to really live
like you are meant to live
you have to get further than what you have learned
you have to get further, even to the unknown
especially to the unknown
You have to let go
what you have learned
what you know
what you think is right
and you will stay with questions, questions, questions...
The answers to your questions...
you will not find them in what you know
the answers to your questions
are still unknown for you...
Your questions will even raise new questions
time after time
again and again
The answers to all your questions
are hidden in your soul
When you start questioning yourself
when you continue questioning yourself
the answers will come,
from the depths of your soul
from the only place your answers can come
YOUR answers
Nobody is able to give you
YOUR answers
Only your soul can give you
YOUR answers
Your soul is eternal and unlimited
but on this earth you are made temporary and limited
temporary and limited by the world
by all what you have learned
You will come loose
You will get free
by asking questions to your soul
by asking the divine in you
and by listening to the answers
by feeling the meaning of your soul
The answers will be new
and unexpected
not taught
not learned
only heard from your inner voice
Your inner voice will not teach you
You don't have to learn
Your inner voice will guide you
step by step
day by day
every day new again
Go further
get free!
Make your journey in the unknown
Make your own journey
into your own soul
become yourself
who you really are
totally free!

Your soul knows what you need
Believing that you had to do things
while it was completely against your being
has damaged you
These are emothional wounds you have to heal from
When someone asks or tells you to do something
listen to your inner voice
feel your soul
feel in your soul
if you have to
if you want to
if you really really want to
Your soul knows what you need
and what is good for you
what suits you
August 20, 2021
When you want yourself to do something
listen to your inner voice
feel your soul
feel in your soul
if you have to
if you want to
if you really really want to
Your soul knows what you need
and what is good for you
what suits you
The answers of
who you are
what you have to do
what you really really want to do
are in your soul

Who you are. the truth about you, is in your soul
In your childhood you have learned:
how to behave
how long to sleep
what and how much to eat
what or who to like or dislike
what or who to disgust
what or who to reject
what or who to condemn
what or who to accept
what to believe or not to believe
and so on...
Believing that you are someone,
who you are not...
does and did harm to you
This are emotional wounds you have to heal from
August 20, 2021
Who you are, is in your soul
so the things you can take for yourself,
as your truth about yourself,
is what you hear from your soul
When there is information about you
coming from someone else...
The best you can do
is listen what you hear from your soul
and feel if there is confirmation in your soul
Who you are
the truth about you
is in your soul

Scene from Next (2007)
— Soul2Soul (@Soul2So95195029) August 20, 2021
Me, avoiding / getting away from toxic people
following my inner voice
telling me exactly what I have to do
and when to do it
My soul sees it coming

Searching for inner guidance,
searching for your personal messenger...
Do you want to get out of your cave?
Your cave, where others put you in?
Where you've been hiding,
waiting to be rescued?
Find your inner guidance
Find your your inner voice, your "messenger"
Your messenger will lead you
step by step
out of the cave to life.
Your inner voice will lead you
out of your circumstances
to yourself
to who you are supposed to be
It's time!
The lake is frozen (see movie below)
Just go!
Your inner messenger will lead you
step by step
Listen, feel... and go!
Akiane Kramerik has painted "The Messenger"
She has choosen for inner guidance
how to paint this step by step
This is what she tells about her painting:
while riding my bike
one early autumn morning
and a unuasual thing happened
I distingtly heard a title of my next painting
"the messenger"
I was so relieved
both , the title and the image where ready for me
all at my fingertips
I could not waite until the next morning
when I can play with whites
in order to form a snowowl
in flight
but the more details where highlighted on the canvas
the fewer details stayed in my vision
and the last I was able to retain it's sharp image in my mind
then I noticed a nest
But by the time I filled it up with the eggs
the owl vanished
not a feather was left in my sight
it flew away from me as fast as it has arrived
as if telling me it was enough
I have to trust an impuls
or maybe
even a spirital mandate
to eliminate my favourite characters on the canvas
I would not see what I am supposed to see
but I was baffled
the messenger was still missing and
I just begin the painting
I didn't know what to do
the next morning I heard a grunt of a moose
was he the messenger?
he could not
because he himself was looking for safety and guidance
I was about to put realistic details
when the moose
just disappeared from my vision
and two bald eagles started circeling arround
I decided to be guided just by the sounds
and figure out the story
they're purely spontaneous strokes of paint
the spirit reveals to me the final painting
only if I paint what is given to me at that particular time
and I must be authentic
with the slightest nuances
the actual reason why
I do not plan anything in detail
from the very beginning
another week passed by
and a howl of a wolf was bouncing off the cave walls
I doubted the wolf was the messenger
because by the time the echoes of the howl dissipated
I couldn't spot him anymore
I was unafraid to keep on painting
and searching for my messenger
but then
it hit me
I need to freeze the lake
and freeze it fast
I was certain the freezing lake would stay here unchanged
it was getting more and more frigide here
I really felt it
my hand started to shake from the bitter cold
so much
that I forgot to turn on the camera
to film a huge change in the story
I had been absolutely positive
the no human being would be on this particular canvas
but I was wrong
against all my expectations
here was the man and his loyal horse
they had lost their way
and taken a refuge in the cave
now I understood why I had to freeze the lake
the travelers had to escape the cave
to go home
but the ice was too thin in most area's for crossing
so here they where
desperate to leave the cave
when suddenly
a loud call from above echoed
the same bald eagle where been circling on my canvas for quite a while
was flying over the lone strangers
encouraging them
to follow him
step by step
the lost travelers where carefully guided across the frozen lake patches
out of the dark cave
the messenger was finally found
it was the eagle
the spirit
the only way I could be lead to the end of the story
was by listening
to the spirit call from the very beginning
to the end
by listening to every move of a flight
every drip from the cave lime icicles
and every crackling sound of the freezing lake
this time around I was lead to an unexpected message
a faith and guidance

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