Innerhealing through the power of your soul

Your healing process...
Is NOT being at peace
Is NOT having everything under control
Is NOT having no doubts
Is NOT being sure
Is NOT without being afraid
Is NOT without feeling guilty
Is NOT without feeling shameful
Your healing process is
Painfull memories
having doubts
being afraid
feeling alone
being angry about evereything that went wrong and is going wrong
feeling tired
feeling sad
hating circumstances and persons because you have been harmed
All these emotions... you have to go through
All these emotions... let them be
Don't suppress them
These emotions... they are there, because they just are there!
They are there to get healed
All the feelings from the past have to pass by... to heal
To heal so you will become really you!
To heal so you can really feel!
But... about this proces...
Don't force anything!
The devine in you helps you with the memories and the feelings to heal
you don't have to generate your feelings yourself
Just let it be and let it come!
And think of this:
It is YOUR healing process
It is YOUR journey
Not somebody elses...

Till you are on the other side...
If you want to heal
from your emotional wounds
you have to go through an unlogic field
a jungle of emotional pain
This jungle confronts you
with all your fears
with all your uncertainties
Shhhhhhhhh listen...
Listen to your soul
Listen to your inner voice
When you listen to your inner voice
when you follow your soul
you will find NO LOGIC
Logic is from this world
Logic keeps you away from your emotional wounds
Logic will try to get you another way, not through your pain-jungle
Logic will try to confirm you
you has to feel good and safe
Logic wants to help you
to avoid the pain
of your emotional wounds
Logic will tell you
not to be afraid
Logic will teach you
to be at peace
Logic wants you
to feel safe and certain
Logic will tell you
what you have to do or not to do
to feel good
To feel good right now!
Logic is a prison
logic keeps you imprisoned
logic wants to push the pain away
logic pretends there is no injury
logic pushes away
all that difficult, painful feelings
This prison is still in you
when you follow logic
So step out of it!
Step out of logic thinking
out of logic living!

Back to your field
your jungle...
you have to go right through it
to get whole again
to become who you really are
to come to LIFE!
Your soul, your heart will lead you through this jungle
you will feel all the emotional pains
your fears
your uncertainties
you will wrestle with all logic you hear inside yourself and from other people
you will wrestle with all convictions inside and outside
Go through all of this
guided by your soul, your inner voice
step by step
till you are on the other side
the side of LIFE
the side of FREEDOM
the side of real HAPPINESS
the side of BEING YOU

More room for the real you
Different parts of your body and soul are locked and wounded
locked and injured by others in this life and in your past lives
This blocks you from being you
To unlock, to heal these parts
you have to go through difficult times
through emotional and physical pain
You don't have to force this
The divine within you
will organize this healing
The divine within you
will bring the pain to mind when the right time is there
The divine within you
will bring the pain to the surface,
piece by piece
layer by layer
Don't fight this
Try to listen to your inner voice
Little by little there will come
more room for the real you

Emotional healing is like a journey
like a journey to another dimension
Your journey to another dimension
— Soul2Soul (@Soul2So95195029) November 21, 2021
The journey to your soul
The journey to yourself
The journey to another dimension
Yes, it's a roller coaster
And yes, you have to go through pain
But it's very much worth it!

Becoming you, free from control
To control yourself
is controlling your soul
is wounding yourself
is hurting yourself
Is becoming someone you are not
Why would you want to
control yourself?
It's a result of your emotional wounds
You can not unlearn it
It just has to be healed
In control...
You can not be who your really are
You don't have to make
an image of yourself
You only have to become you
You don't have to convince
who you are
You have to heal to get rid
of the false convictions of yourself
You do only have to heal
to become you
and that is probably someone else
then you think you are
The real you is already there,
under the pile of shit from this world
When you are totally healed
you can live from the inside our
you can live from who you are
you can live YOUR real life!
you can live...
being yourself

Fear.... only way out:
Go through all that feelings

That's seems a good decision to me!
To stop pleasing the audience,
we need a lot of emotional healing
from the underlying wounds!
So... Get healed!
Go through your pain, fear
and all the terrible stuff
that's coming your way
when you think about this decision
Feel what you feel, take time to feel

Accept your anger
Go right through it
Then there will be (more) peace
And you'll hear your inner voice again
That voice that speaks your truth!

The more we heal emotionally
The more space there is
to understand our inner voice
The more we understand
the voice of our soul
the more we discover what is really true
really true for ourselves
and what really suits us
what we really want
and... that's different for everyone
for everyone personally
fitting to each one's own soul!

"Silence is only imposed on you
by people who are afraid
you will tell the truth"
If you could be yourself
your truth would come out
Your truth consists of
To prevent that, you're set stuck
by intimidation and manipulation
But now you are on your way back
the way of your inner healing
the way to who you really are!
You will be okay
You will be powerful

To let go, break free!
People say...
It's most important and amazing beautiful
but not possible
when emotional wounds are still there
holding you back
Listen to your inner voice
and again and again you will get rid
of what's holding you back
till you are totally free and
emotionally healed!
And then you will experience
that you have let go
that you have got free!

In your process of inner healing
you feel at times
without passion
and so on...
This are gusts, they pass
and time after time
a feeling of liberation and relief follows
Be assured
that more and more shit
from emotional wounds
will disappear
allowing your soul
the core of who you are
to become more and more visible
so you can really LIVE
more and more!

Some periods of our growth
are so confusing
that we don’t even recognize
that growth is happening
We may feel hostile or angry
weepy and hysterical
or we may feel depressed
That feelings are caused
by emotional healing
Oh yeah, just then...
healing is happening
and we become more and more
who we really are!

The same with inner healing
Every time again I think
'this I've gone through earlier, didn't I?'
and then...
I experience
that my soul is just digging deeper
until there will be
nothing to digg anymore!
That will be the moment
I am totally free and healed
totally ME !

How does this work?
When you heal emotionally...
you will experience
who you really are
and you will know
your "supernatural" abilities

So go through....
through your pain
through your fears
through your grieves
through your frustrations
Go through
feel it!
and when it's to much
find some distraction
do something you like

Oh yeah
it's a challenge
to silence the mind
the best thing you can do
is going through...
the chattering voices in your head
are wounded parts of your soul
they often need this chats
to heal

You cannot force this
this is the result of your inner healing
healing by the power of your own soul
looking back will always be able
but more and more
without feeling
what you felt before

In fact...
every battle will be fought
in your own soul
That fight...
is your process of innerhealing

Healing sometimes means
you feel like loosing control
and that feels scary!
Even loosing control about trauma
with all the terrible feelings
feels scary!
The wounded person you are
is the only person you know
and the healed person
the real you
who would that be?
So yeah, going through
a process of innerhealing
is scary, really scary
it sometimes feels
like you are falling apart
and actually,
that's just what it is
the broken you is falling apart
so the real you can come forth
Not easy, but...
It's so worth it!

In the midst of the process

The superpower of your soul!

People will not be able
to unplug from the matrix
without emotional healing
So it's of no use
to try to get them
out of the matrix
by convincing them
they will come free of it
as soon as they are well enough healed

Through the years
we all lost who we really are
and somehow...
we know it
we feel it
Emotional healing
through the power of our own soul
will bring us back
to who we are

The hardest battle
is the battle to find out
who you are
who you really are
in the core
in your soul
That battle consists of
going your way
through all your emotional wounds
It's a battle, yes
but you will win this!

Healing from emotional wounds
layer by layer
spiralling into the depth
to your core
your soul
a healed soul

So much hidden wounds
wounds you didn't remember
you didn't know they existed
they all will come forwards
to heal!

Negative emotions, let them be...
Every time
a negative emotion surfaces
it is because a wound is touched
And every time that happens
that wound
will heal a little further

Why is it, that we are/were not able
to accept ourselves?
we are/were not ourselves...
So many convictions, believes
have set us stuck
So many emotional wounds
made a blurry mass around our soul
We ourselves
are/were not visible anymore
Through healing from within
healing by the power of our soul
the convictions get loose
so we start to think by ourselves
think from the depths of our soul
Through this soulpower
our emotional wounds start to heal
so the blurry mass
is slowly but surely disappearing
Our soul becomes visible
more and more
The voice of our soul
the impressions we receive
become clearer
What we feel becomes more
what we really feel
no longer what we
'according to people'
should feel
Our soul becomes visible
We become visible
And only then we can truly become
happy with ourselves
happy with who we are
happy in the depths of our soul

The further we progress
in our innerhealing
the more we can accept ourselves
and don't need to depend at all
on the acceptance of other people
Then we become who we really are

Everything about inner healing
emotional healing
has this purpose:
coming back to who YOU really are

Unwrapping your soul
by going through all your shit

The voices
that judge you
that deeply don't feel good
that set you stuck in guilt, in shame
that are the voices
of your wounded parts
Every time they speak up
they will heal a bit
so don't worry too much about it
just let them talk...
The more they get healed
the clearer you can hear
the voice of your soul
Your own inner voice...

A lot of what you think
comes from
wounded parts of your soul
What they tell you
are their truths
their "wounded truths"
The more the wounds get healed
the more those thougths will change
That healed parts
will more and more
agree with your own soulvoice

Some years ago
William and I decided
to only follow our inner voice
We had no idea
where that path would take us...
and that it could be
such a bumpy road!
We had no idea
how difficult it could be
to get sure
that we listened to our own voice
to healed parts of our soul
or to wounded parts
We had no idea
how challenging it could be
to get sure
whether we felt the feelings
of the wounded parts of our souls
or the feelings of ourselves
of the healed parts of our souls
We had no idea
how difficult it could be
to go through all our pain again
And we are still not at our final goal
totally knowing who we are
But we have already experienced
so much healing
and therefore changes in ourselves
that we know we made the right choice
We are moving on!
moving on to who we really are!
moving on to ourselves!

You have to feel
to heal!

— Soul2Soul Cheryl & William (@Soul2So95195029) October 9, 2022
The power of your soul
comes out
becomes stronger
while you ar healing emotionally
More about inner healing, emotional healing

Forgiving is not saying
that what the other person did
does not matter
Forgiving is
letting go
of the other person's actions
To be able to do that
you will first have to heal
from all kinds of wounds
So... don't force yourself to forgive
Once you have healed far enough
forgiveness automatically will happen!

#emotionalhealing #innerhealing #freedom #soul #soulpower #listentoyourheart
— Soul2Soul Cheryl & William (@Soul2So95195029) November 18, 2022
More about inner healing, emotional healing

is letting them go
You will not be able to forgive,
to really let them go,
by commanding yourself to do so
After a big piece of innerhealing
you will let them go
just like the wind...

People around you think
they know what you need,
But you...
you feel what's going on inside
and you go through it
And going through... brings you healing!

The process of innerhealing
can be difficult and lonely
but once you feel
you are becoming more and more
the real YOU...
you know it is all worth it!

deeper still...

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