Listen to your innervoice, take your intuition seriously

A maze, a prison
The way out, is to yourself!
Listen to yourself
Do what suits you
Avoid as much as possible
what your intuition protests against

Let nobody control your life
You have to find your own life
You have to find YOU!
You have to.... find your path!
By listening to your heart,
to your inner voice
By feeling what you really really feel

Live YOUR life
Don't survive life
live life
YOUR life
Don't live the life
others tell or told you to live
Don't live the life
your "loving" parents told you to live
Don't live the life
your "friends" told you to live
Don't live the life
people expect you to live
Don't live the life
"they" expect you to live
Don't even live the life
you think "they" expect you to live

But just live the way...
You feel inside
You hear your innervoice telling you
Live YOUR life!

Searching for guidance,
searching for
your personal messenger...
Do you want to get out of your cave?
Your cave, where others put you in?
Where you've been hiding
waiting to be rescued?
Find your inner guidance
Find your your inner voice
your "messenger"
Your messenger will lead you
step by step
out of the cave, to life
Your innervoice will lead you
out of your circumstances
to yourself
to who you are supposed to be
It's time!
The lake is frozen (see movie)
Just go!
Your inner messenger will lead you
step by step
Listen... feel... and go!
Akiane Kramerik has painted
"The Messenger"
She has choosen for inner guidance
how to paint this
step by step

Those voices voices voices...
Most times in your head
sometimes somewhere else in your body
Where do they come from?
How can you get rid of them?
Or how can you let them guide you?
Our soul is created with a thousand "things"
We call them angels
for "things" has to have a name, right?
This angels are meant to guide us
in the way that belongs to our souls
the way that suits us
But... most of them were or are
still not able to do so
They just tell us the wrong things
about ourselves
and about living our lifes

"I hear voices!"
Are you schizophrenic?
Do you have a multiple personality disorder?
This questions are about the same as about angels
like angels have to have a name
this has to have a name too
but this is NOT MORE than a name...
In some way or another
we all are schizophrenic
we all have a multiple personality disorder!
Why did I say that?
What's going on?
Our angels are emotionally wounded
They are pinned
by beliefs and convictions
That's why they don't do
what they have to do
There original "job" was to coach
and help you to live YOUR life
so you would know
who you really are
what suits you
what you have to do
So they have to help you
to be who you really are!
But when they are
so pinned and wounded
they tell you other things
they misguide you
about yourself
and your way of living
Your angels are NOT guilty about this
they are just helpless
to do their real "job"
I guess
you can make an imagination of this
by thinking about a person
that's tied up and terribly wounded
This person will not be able
to do what he/she wants to do
Well, sort of...
this is the same going on with our angels
because they are pinned
by beliefs and convictions
and are emotionally wounded

Put yourself on your priority list
There's a lot more to say about this
but I'll leave it at this
because I think it's more important
to look at how we can help ourselves
become emotionally free and healthy
The most easy thing
about innerhealing is
that it just happens
even when you don't do a thing about it
But you can help yourself a bit:
by accepting the periods of feeling miserable,
because that are the periods healing is taking place
by taking more rest
by breaking or reducing contact with the people
with whom you do not experience a soul-click
by exercising listening to yourself and what you feel
by doing more and more what you feel what suits you, what gives you real joy
by stopping to do what doesn't give you joy (anymore)

Some experiences from myself,
now after months of innerhealing...
feelings of guilt and shame disappeared
fear has almost totally gone
(and I had a lot of fear!)
I feel... what's really me
what I love, what I don't love
the difficult voices
that had misguided me
are almost gone
the "I-me-myself-voice"
is becoming more and more clear
I'm not ready yet
the process is going deeper and deeper
It's not easy, but so worth it!
I love it
to know and feel who I am and what I love
Following our heart
Following the healed voices of our soul
It brings us to ourselves
and to the things
we really really really want to do!

Hey you...
do you hear me?
I whisper... I touch...
Do you hear me?
Do you feel me?
I am your inner voice
I am the voice, the touch
of your own soul
I am your voice
I am your touch
I am YOU!
Listen to me
Listen to yourself
Feel me
Feel yourself
and come to

You are all individuals
Please, Please, please listen
I've got one or two things to say
Look, you've got it all wrong
You don't need to follow me
You don't need to follow anybody
You've got to think for yourselves
You're all individuals
You're all different
You've all got to work it out for yourselves
That's the point!
Don't let anyone tell you what to do!

Who you are
the truth about you
is in your soul
In your childhood you have learned:
how to behave
how long to sleep
what and how much to eat
what or who to like or dislike
what or who to disgust
what or who to reject
what or who to condemn
what or who to accept
what to believe or not to believe
and so on...
Believing that you are someone
who you are not...
does and did harm to you
This are emotional wounds you have to heal from
Who you are, is in your soul
so the things you can take for yourself
as your truth about yourself
is what you hear from your soul
When there is information about you
coming from someone else...
The best you can do
is listen what you hear from your soul
and feel if there is confirmation
in your soul
Who you are
the truth about you
is in your soul

Your soul knows what you need
Believing that you had to do things
while it was completely
against your being
has damaged you
These are emothional wounds you have to heal from
When someone asks or tells you
to do something
listen to your inner voice
feel your soul
feel in your soul
if you have to
if you want to
if you really really want to
Your soul knows what you need
and what is good for you
what suits you
When you want yourself
to do something
listen to your inner voice
feel your soul
feel in your soul
if you have to
if you want to
if you really really want to
Your soul knows what you need
and what is good for you
what suits you
The answers of
who you are
what you have to do
what you really really want to do
are in your soul

The more you heal emotionally
the more sensitive you will become
the more sensitive
to emotional wounds from others
Protect yourself!
Listen to your inner voice
what to do or not to do
who to meet or not to meet

The world tells us "truths"
One tells : "I have the truth"
Another screems "believe me!"
There are wars over "truths" born out of darkness and wounded people
There are believe-sytems, religions that say they have "the truth"
They got this "truths" from other people and writings and tellings from the past
Were these "truths" really true ?
They where all told by people writing and telling their own truth or idea of their truth
What do we need to believe?
You can only "believe"
what you hear and feel
in your own soul
That is YOUR truth!
You can't rely
on the "truths" from other people
There are so many story's...
but there is only one truth for you
YOUR own truth
the truth for your life

You have to find
your own way
your own truth
Follow your own heart and soul
follow your inner voice
and feel...
feel your soul!
You are an unique person
with a unique soul
You have to find
your own way
your own truth

Listen to your soul
Follow your inner voice
Feel your soul
Follow your intuïtion

Your own spiritual journey
has to do with listening
to your innervoice
following your intuition

"Those who want to find themselves
should not ask others for directions"
Your soul knows who you are...
You ARE your soul!
Listen to you innervoice
and feel, really feel your guts!

Only your soul has all your answers
AND the power to heal you
Listen to your inner voice
Follow your guts...

Listen to your inner voice
They are all yours
and yes, they bring you home
home to yourself!

This is a basic part
of your process of innerhealing:
take time to be alone
make it a habit to listen to yourself
and to your own feelings
Your soul will show you
YOUR truth
YOUR solutions
YOUR way
where to go and what to do

Everybody is different
you are too!
So listen to your own innervoice
to your own intuition
listen to your own soul
and follow its way

Love yourself,
by listening to yourself,
to your inner voice,
to your intuition,
your deep sense...
to your soul,
telling you,
telling you more and more clearly
who you are

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