What to do with... making choices

Emotional pain from the past

emotional pain from the presence

pain because of people

who say they love you

but hurt you

in whatever different ways...


you have to make a choice

to break with them

or at least... for now...

to have contact as less as possible


Because of emotional healing

healing from within

Choose to get healed

by breaking with destroying people!


You WILL heal and you WILL become who you intentionally are inside

Go through all your own emotional pain, all your convictions

through all this shit your soul confronts you with 

After everything you heal from

there will be more YOU!

Captain America
has to make a difficult decision
He hears a funural speech
and knows what to do...

he has to follow his heart!

Part of the funural speech:

I asked her once how she managed
to master diplomacy and espionage
in a time when no one wanted
to see a woman succeed at either

She said:
Compromise where you can
But where you can't, don't
Even if everyone is telling you
that something wrong is something right
Even if the whole world is telling you to move
It is your duty to plant yourself like a tree
look them in the eye and say
"No, you move"

About religion

The religion we grew up in,
has damaged us
locked us down
has made us who we are NOT

The religion was a prison
a prison of beliefs
beliefs of people
of leaders who did not serve us
but ruled over us
enslaved us to their doctrine

Are you still in a religion?
Break free from it!
Become totally free
Follow the voice of your own heart!

find out what makes you happy

your soul knows
what makes you happy
what suits you

so listen to your inner voice
and feel what you really feel

Let them go...

Even this...
is part of the healing proces!

Getting rid of all plans,
just follow your soul,
your innervoice
your deep feelings
and find out
what you really want to do

When you do so,
you have more space
to get free,
really free,
and to find your innerself,
to discover who you really are!

Make your own choices
What do you want to be part of
and what do you not want...

Because the healing process is heavy
you may need more time to rest
to not do the things you 'have to'

to be able
to go through your process well

And imagine...
the more you get healed
the more light and power you spread!

The process of healing
is going through mountains and valleys
of fears and pain and grieves

Looking back, you will see
how much you left behind
how far you've come
how much you have changed!

That has to do with
listening to your inner voice
and feeling what you feel inside

and then...
doing what is good for you

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